1. trade ((with, between));commerce

    貿易する trade ((with));carry on commerce ((with))

    • 自由貿易
    • free trade
    • 日本の対米貿易
    • Japan's trade with the United States
    • 多角貿易
    • multilateral trade
    • 日豪貿易
    • trade between Japan and Australia
    • 保護貿易主義
    • protectionism
    • 保護貿易政策
    • protective trade policies/protectionist policies
    • 外国貿易を振興する
    • promote foreign trade
    • 中国との貿易が再開された
    • Trade with China has been resumed.
  1. 貿易相手国a trading partner
  1. 貿易依存度the degree of dependence [reliance] upon foreign trade
  1. 貿易外収支an invisible trade balance
  1. 貿易外取引invisible trade
  1. 貿易額the amount of trade
  1. 貿易業界trading circles
  1. 貿易協定a trade agreement
  1. 貿易港a trading port
    • 自由貿易港
    • a free port
  1. 貿易国a trading country
  1. 貿易自由化trade liberalization
  1. 貿易収支the balance of trade; a trade balance
    • 貿易収支赤字
    • a trade deficit
  1. 貿易商a trader;〔輸出商〕an exporter;〔輸入商〕an importer
  1. 貿易商社a trading company [firm]
  1. 貿易尻〔均衡の〕the balance of trade
  1. 貿易制限trade restrictions
  1. 貿易風a trade wind; the trade winds; the trades
  1. 貿易不均衡(a) trade imbalance
  1. 貿易保険制度international trade credit insurance
  1. 貿易摩擦trade friction; trade conflicts

