1. wages(▼通例複数形)
    • 実質[名目]賃金
    • real [nominal] wages
    • 基本[最低]賃金
    • basic [minimum] wages/a basic [minimum] wage
    • 割増賃金
    • extra wages
    • 労働賃金
    • wages (for labor)
    • 同一労働同一賃金
    • equal pay for equal work/pay equity/《米》 comparable worth
    • 賃金を引き上げる
    • increase [raise] a person's wages
    • 賃金を引き下げる
    • cut [reduce] a person's wages
    • 1日8,000円の賃金で働く
    • work for (a wage of) 8,000 yen a day
    • 彼はいい賃金をもらっている
    • He earns [gets/receives] good wages.
  1. 賃金安定wage stabilization
  1. 賃金インフレwage-push inflation
  1. 賃金外給付fringe benefits; a fringe benefit
  1. 賃金格差a wage differential
  1. 賃金カットa cut in wages; a wage cut
  1. 賃金協定a wage agreement
  1. 賃金交渉wage talks [negotiations]
  1. 賃金水準a wage level
  1. 賃金スライド制a sliding pay scale; the setting of wages based on a sliding scale
  1. 賃金政策a wage policy
  1. 賃金体系a wage system
  1. 賃金凍結a wage freeze
  1. 賃金統制wage control
  1. 賃金闘争a wage struggle
  1. 賃金引き上げa wage increase;《米》 a wage boost [hike];《米》 a raise,《英》 a rise
  1. 賃金引き下げa wage cut [decrease, reduction]
  1. 賃金ベース〔水準〕a wage level, a pay level;〔基準賃金〕base pay, a base wage
    • 賃金ベースを引き上げる
    • raise basic wages
  1. 賃金労働wage earning
  1. 賃金労働者a wage earner;《米》 a wageworker

