1. 1〔趣旨〕the general meaning;《文》 the tenor ((of))
    • 訳文は原文の趣を十分に伝えていない
    • This translation doesn't fully convey the meaning [tenor/intent] of the original.
    • ご忠告の趣は承知しました
    • I understand what you want to warn me about.
  1. 2〔事情〕
    • ご病気の趣,家族一同ご案じ申し上げております
    • My whole family is concerned to hear of your illness.
  1. 3〔有様,様子,雰囲気〕appearance; look
    • ここら辺りには昭和の趣がある
    • This area 「reminds me [has the flavor] of the Showa era.
    • 長崎の街にはどことなく異国の趣がある
    • The streets of Nagasaki vaguely suggest a foreign country.
  1. 4〔味わい〕charm
    • 趣のある庭
    • 「an elegant [a tasteful] garden/a garden with true character
    • 神戸の夜景は趣がある
    • The night view of Kobe has 「a special beauty [a beauty all its own].

