1. 1〔あとを追うこと〕a chase; (a) pursuit

    追跡する chase; give chase ((to a person));run after; pursue

    • 犯人は追跡の手を逃れた
    • The criminal eluded the chase [pursuit]./The culprit gave his pursuers the slip.
    • 警察は誘拐犯人を追跡中だ
    • The police are 「on the kidnapper's trail [in pursuit of the kidnapper].
    • 殺人犯を追跡して捕らえた
    • We tracked down the murderer (and captured him).
  1. 2〔成り行きを辿ること〕(a) follow-up

    追跡する trace; follow up

    • 各新聞は政界への金の流れを追跡している
    • The papers are trying to trace the flow of money to politicians.
  1. 追跡基地〔人工衛星の〕a tracking [ground] station
  1. 追跡者a pursuer; a chaser
  1. 追跡調査((do)) a follow-up survey
  1. 追跡治療follow-up treatment
  1. 追跡レーダーtracking radar

