1. 1〔一列に続く〕
    • 南北に連なる山脈
    • the mountains ranging north and south
    • 車が何キロも連なっていた
    • 「The long line of cars continued [〔渋滞で〕Cars were backed up] for many kilometers.
  1. 2〔出席する〕
    • 親類一同が結婚式に連なった
    • All the relatives attended the wedding.
  1. 3〔仲間になる〕
    • 医師会の末席に連なっている
    • He is one of the youngest members of the medical association.
  1. 4〔関係が及ぶ〕
    • 国際信義にも連なる大問題だ
    • It is a serious problem that affects our international credibility.

