- 〔余剰〕a surplus, (a) superabundance;〔過度〕(an) excess ((of))
過剰の surplus; superabundant
- 自信過剰な人
- an overconfident person
- 彼は自意識過剰だ
- He is too self-conscious.
- この地方の農産物は過剰だ
- This district has a surplus of agricultural products.
- 彼女は彼に過剰なほどの気遣いを見せた
- She showed almost excessive concern for him.
- 彼女は親切過剰である
- She is overly [excessively] kind.
- 過剰医療overmedication; providing more medical attention more than necessary
- 過剰金surplus funds
- 過剰人員supernumeraries; surplus personnel
- 過剰診療((give)) unnecessary tests and medication
- 過剰請求overcharging
- 過剰生産overproduction; excess production
- 過剰生産されたワインはバイオエタノールに転用できる
- Surplus wine can be used to make bioethanol.
- 過剰排卵superovulation
- 過剰防衛excessive [unjustifiable] self-defense
- 過剰包装excessive packaging
- 過剰包装を減らせばごみも減らせる
- Cutting down on excessive packaging will reduce the amount of trash.
- 過剰米surplus rice