1. reason
    • その要求は道理にかなっている[反する]
    • The demand 「stands to [is contrary to] reason./That is 「a reasonable [an unreasonable] demand.
    • 彼に道理を説いても無駄だ
    • It is no use trying to reason with him.
    • 彼が怒るのも道理だ
    • It's natural for him to be angry./He has good reason to be angry.
    • 君が来ない道理はない
    • There is no reason why you shouldn't come.
    • 私にそんな大金をつくれる道理はない
    • There is no way that I can raise such a large sum of money.
    • 彼は道理をわきまえている
    • He knows what is right and what is wrong.
    • 彼の言い分にも道理はある
    • There is 「some truth [something] in what he says.
    • 道理で彼が笑ったはずだよ
    • 「Now I see why [No wonder] he laughed.

