1. 1〔望ましくない物事をよける〕avoid
    • 私たちは危険を避けようとした
    • We tried to avoid danger.
    • 日光を避けて日陰に座った
    • They sat in the shade to keep out of the sun.
    • (身をかわして)倒れてくる木を避けた
    • I jumped out of the way just before the tree fell on me.
    • 避けて通れない問題だ
    • This is a problem we 「have to face [cannot avoid].
    • 両者の意見の衝突は避けられない
    • A clash of opinion between the two (parties) is inevitable.
  1. 2〔責任などを逃れる〕shirk; evade
    • 社長は明言を避けた
    • The president 「did not commit himself to [didn't say] anything definite.
    • 首相は質問に答えるのを避けた
    • The prime minister evaded [sidestepped] the question.
  1. 3〔人に会わないようにする〕keep away from; avoid; shun
    • 悪友は避けたほうがよい
    • You had better avoid [keep away from/stay away from] bad company.
    • 彼は父親を避けた
    • He shunned [gave a wide berth to] his father.
    • 人目を避けて裏通りを歩いた
    • We walked in the back streets to avoid being seen.
  1. 4〔遠慮する〕withhold
    • 人前での批評は避けたほうがよい
    • You had better 「withhold comment [not say anything] in public.
  1. さける(避ける)
    • 木の株をよけながら歩いた
    • We walked along trying to avoid the stumps.
    • 戦闘地域をよける
    • keep clear of areas where there is fighting
    • ぬかるみをよけて進む
    • make one's way around muddy spots in the path
    • オートバイをよける
    • get [step] out of the way of a motorcycle
    • じゃまだからちょっとそこをよけてくれないか
    • Do you mind stepping aside? You are blocking my way.

