1. 〔資金の貸し借り〕finance; financing
    • 金融が緩慢である[逼迫ひっぱくしている]
    • Money is slack [tight].
    • 金融の引き締めを行う
    • tighten the money supply/tighten credit
    • 金融の引き締めがだいぶ緩やかになった
    • The tight money market has relaxed [slackened] considerably.
    • 小口金融
    • a small loan
  1. 金融界financial circles
    • 金融界の不況
    • tightness [stringency] in the money market
  1. 金融会社a finance company
  1. 金融緩慢easy credit [money]
  1. 金融緩和[引き締め]monetary relaxation [restraint]
  1. 金融緩和政策an 「easy monetary [easy-money] policy;(a policy of) monetary relaxation
  1. 金融機関a financial institution
    • 政府系金融機関
    • a government-affiliated financial institution
  1. 金融危機credit crunch [crisis]
    • 金融恐慌に見舞われる
    • be hit by a financial panic
  1. 金融業the finance [moneylending] business
  1. 金融業者a moneylender; a money broker; a financier
  1. 金融工学financial engineering
  1. 金融公庫a (government-backed) finance corporation
  1. 金融コングロマリットa financial conglomerate
  1. 金融債bank debenture
  1. 金融先物取り引きfinancial futures trading
  1. 金融政策a financial policy
  1. 金融市場〔狭義の〕the money market;〔広義の〕the financial market
    • 金融市場から締め出される
    • be squeezed out of financial circles
  1. 金融資本financial capital
  1. 金融資本家a financial capitalist
  1. 金融自由化financial deregulation [liberalization]
  1. 金融情勢the financial [credit, money] situation; financial conditions
  1. 金融筋financial interests
  1. 金融組織the banking system
  1. 金融庁the Financial Services Agency
  1. 金融統制monetary control
  1. 金融引き締め政策a tight-money policy
  1. 金融ビッグバンthe Big Bang(▼1986年の英国の金融自由化)
  1. 金融逼迫ひっぱくmonetary stringency; tight credit
  1. 金融不安financial instability [uncertainty;《口》 jitters]
  1. 金融・郵政改革担当大臣the State Minister in Charge of Financial Services and Postal Reform

