間接の(に),間接的(に) indirect(ly)

    • 彼は間接的に君のことを言ったのだ
    • What he said was an indirect reference to you./He was alluding to you.
    • 彼が病気だということは間接的に聞いた
    • I heard indirectly [at second hand] that he was ill.
    • あの人は間接的に知っている
    • I know of him./〔友人などを通して〕I have heard of him.
  1. 間接喫煙passive smoking
  1. 間接撮影〔X線の〕fluoroscopy
  1. 間接消費税an indirect consumption tax
  1. 間接照明indirect illumination
  1. 間接税an indirect tax;〔物品税〕an excise tax
  1. 間接選挙indirect election;《米》 〔大統領選出の〕voting for presidential electors
  1. 間接伝染indirect infection
  1. 間接費(an) indirect cost, overhead costs;〔生産の〕indirect expenses
  1. 間接目的語〔文法で〕an indirect object
  1. 間接話法〔文法で〕indirect speech [narration]

