1. 1〔誤り〕 ((make)) amistake, an error
    • 間違いだらけの文章
    • a sentence full of mistakes
    • 計算に間違いは一つもなかった
    • 「There were no mistakes [There was not a single error] in the calculations.
    • 彼は今まで一度も間違いをしたことがない
    • He has never slipped up.(▼slip upは手落ちで誤る)
    • 彼が金を貸してくれると思ったら大間違いだよ
    • If you think he's going to lend you money, 「you are very much mistaken [you are making a big mistake].
    • 間違い電話が掛かってきた
    • It was a wrong number.
    • お掛け間違いです
    • Sorry, but you have the wrong number.
    • 彼が東京にいるって ― 何かの間違いだろう
    • He's in Tokyo? He can't be.
  1. 2〔変事〕an accident;〔困った事〕trouble
    • 何か間違いが起こったのでないといいが
    • I hope he has not had an accident.
    • 途中で何か間違いが起きたのかもしれない
    • Perhaps something has happened to him on the way.
    • 入社早々間違いを起こした
    • He got into trouble just after he joined the company.

