1. a group;〔大きな〕a mass
    • 学生の集団
    • a group of students
    • 暴徒の集団
    • a mob of rioters
    • 子供たちが集団をなして会場から出てきた
    • The children came out of the hall in a group.
    • 食中毒が集団的に発生した
    • There was a mass outbreak of food poisoning.
  1. 集団安全保障collective security
  1. 集団移民mass immigration
  1. 集団結婚((hold)) a group [mass] wedding
  1. 集団検診((have)) a group medical examination
  1. 集団行動group behavior
    • 集団行動をとる
    • act as a group
  1. 集団死[自決]mass suicide
  1. 集団就職employment as a group
    • 集団就職をする
    • find employment as a group
  1. 集団心理group [crowd, mob] psychology
  1. 集団訴訟class action; a class-action suit
    • 集団訴訟に踏み切った
    • They decided to bring [file] a class-action suit.
  1. 集団的自衛権the right of collective self-defense
  1. 集団農場a collective farm
  1. 集団暴行group violence
    • 彼に集団暴行を加えた
    • The group [gang] gave him a beating.
  1. 集団リンチgroup violence; gang bashing
    • 集団リンチは決して許されない
    • Group violence will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

