
    • 大雨
    • a downpour/a heavy rain
    • 小雨
    • a light [little] rain
    • 静かに降る[激しい/吹き降りの]雨
    • a soft [heavy/driving] rain
    • 雨の滴
    • a raindrop
    • 雨の中を歩く
    • walk in the rain
    • 雨の合間に
    • between showers (of rain)
    • 雨の日に
    • on a rainy [wet] day
    • 雨が降り続いた
    • It rained continuously.
    • 雨が降り始めた
    • It began [started] to rain./It started raining./Rain began to fall.
    • 雨がやんだ[上がった]
    • It (has) stopped raining./The rain (has) stopped [lifted].
    • 雨が降りそうだ
    • It looks like rain.
    • 雨が降ったりやんだりした
    • It rained intermittently.
    • 今年は雨がたくさん降った
    • We had 「a lot of [a great deal of] rain this year.
    • 今年は雨が少ししか降らなかった
    • 「There was [We had] only a little rain this year.
    • 長い間雨が降った
    • We have had a long spell of rain [rainy weather].
    • 長い間雨が降らなかった
    • We have had a long spell ofdry weather.
    • 雨が部屋に降り込んだ
    • It rained into the room.
    • 雨に降られた
    • I was caught in the rain./I got rained on.
    • 雨に1週間降りこめられていた
    • I was kept indoors by the rain for a week.
    • 雨を避けて[しのいで]喫茶店に入った
    • I went into a coffee shop to 「get out of [to take shelter from] the rain.
    • 試合は雨で中止になった
    • The game was rained out.

