1. 1〔人に保管を頼む〕put [place, leave] ((a thing)) in a person's keeping [care]; entrust ((a person with a thing));entrust ((a thing to a person));〔金を銀行に〕deposit ((money in a bank))
    • 預金通帳は彼に預けてある
    • The bankbook is in his keeping./The bankbook has been left with him.
    • 駅で手荷物を預けた
    • 《米》 I checked my bags (in the baggage checkroom) at the station./《英》 I left my luggage (in the left-luggage office) at the station.
    • ホテルのクロークに携帯品を預けた
    • I left [《米》 checked] my things in the cloakroom at the hotel.
    • お金を全部彼に預けた
    • I entrusted 「him with all the money [all the money to him].
    • 私のお金は銀行に預けてある
    • My money is deposited in the bank./I have [keep/leave] my money in the bank.
    • 私は100万円銀行に預けてある
    • I have one million yen on deposit in the bank.
    • 10万円預けた
    • I deposited a hundred thousand yen.
  1. 2〔人に世話を頼む〕
    • 子供を姉に預けた
    • I left my child with my sister.
    • 彼は帳簿を預けられた
    • He was entrusted with the finances (of the shop)./The work of keeping the accounts was left in his hands.
    • 人に命を預ける
    • put one's life in a person's hands
  1. 3〔勝負などの決定を一任する〕
    • この勝負は彼に預けよう
    • Let's have him decide the winner.

