1. -だか(-高)たかが(高が)
    • 彼の言うことは偉そうに聞こえても高が知れている
    • His remarks may sound important, but they are not worth much.
    • あの実力では高が知れている
    • Judging from his ability, not much can be expected.
    • はじめは大した事でないと高をくくっていた
    • At first I took it lightly.
    • 花の売上高は50,000円になった
    • Our flower sales amounted to fifty thousand yen./We made fifty thousand yen by selling flowers.
    • 山田株式会社3円高
    • 〔証券で〕Yamada, Inc., up 3 yen
    • 取引高に応じて割り引きする
    • A discount is given according to the amount of the transaction.

