1. 〔優れた技〕excellent skill;〔巧みな出来ばえ〕fine workmanship;〔巧みなプレー〕(a) fine [good, nice] play
    • 巧技を見せる
    • 〔腕前〕exhibit 「one's skill [fine workmanship]/〔競技で〕show [《口》 pull off] 「a fine [an excellent] play/〔優れた演技〕give a fine performance
  1. ((in)) a wide [broad] sense
    • この表現は広義に解釈出来る
    • This expression can be interpreted broadly [in a wide sense]./《文》 This expression admits of wide interpretation.
    • 交誼を結ぶ
    • 「form a friendship [make friends] with a person
  1. a protest;〔反対〕 ((make; raise)) an objection

    抗議する protest ((against));make a protest ((against));object ((to))

    • 厳重に抗議を申し込む
    • make a strong protest ((to a person about a thing))/lodge a strong protest ((with a person))/make a strong objection ((to a thing))
    • 抗議したいことがあれば申し出なさい
    • Inform [Tell] us if you have any objections.
    • 野党は当然政府の原案に抗議した
    • The opposition party naturally protested against the government's proposal.
  1. 抗議集会((hold)) a (protest) rally ((against))
  1. 抗議声明((make; issue)) a statement of protest
  1. 抗議デモ((hold)) a protest demonstration
  1. 抗議文a note of protest
    • 在任中は一方ならぬご高誼に預り,感謝いたします
    • I deeply appreciate the kindness you showed me during my term of office.
  1. a lecture ((on))

    講義する give a lecture ((on));lecture ((on))

    • 講義に出る
    • attend a lecture
    • 集中講義
    • an intensive course [series of lectures]
  1. 講義録a transcript of a lecture

