1. 〔香を楽しむ技術〕the cult of incense-burning;〔聞香〕the art of identifying incense by its fragrance
  1. 1〔道路〕a highway; a public thoroughfare
  1. 2〔正しい道理〕
    • 公道を踏む[それる]
    • 「keep to [stray from] the right path
  1. 〔行い〕(an) action;〔振る舞い〕behavior,《英》 behaviour, conduct;〔運動〕(a) movement

    行動する 〔行う〕act;〔行動を起こす〕take [go into] action;〔振る舞う〕behave, conduct oneself

    行動的な active

    • 単独行動
    • doing things 「on one's own [independently]
    • 団体行動
    • doing things as (a member of) a group/〔心理学で〕group behavior
    • 単独[団体]行動をとる
    • act independently [as a group]
    • 単独行動が好きです
    • I like to do things 「on my own [alone].
    • 団体行動が好きです
    • I like to do things 「with others [as part of a group].
    • 単独行動を控えてください
    • Please don't take independent action./Please don't go off on your own.(▼後者は団体旅行などで)
    • 理論を行動に移す
    • put a theory into action
    • 反対分子が行動を起こした
    • Dissenting elements went into action.
    • 機敏な行動を取った
    • He took quick action./He acted immediately.
    • 自由行動を取る
    • act on one's own
    • 今から2時間は自由行動の時間です
    • 〔遠足などで〕You may 「do whatever [go wherever] you like for the next two hours.
    • 抗議行動を起こす
    • start a protest movement
    • 人前では行動に気をつけなさい
    • Be careful about your behavior in public.
    • 彼がそんな行動をしたとは考えられない
    • I can't believe he did such a thing.
    • 彼の行動は立派だった
    • He conducted himself splendidly.
  1. 行動科学behavioral science
  1. 行動主義〔心理学で〕behaviorism
  1. 行動派active people
  1. 行動半径1〔1回の燃料で可能な〕a radius of action;〔軍の〕a radius of operation
    • 飛行機の行動半径
    • the flying radius of an airplane
  2. 行動半径2〔人などの活動範囲〕a range [sphere] of activity
    • 彼は行動半径が広い
    • He has a wide range of activities./He is active in many fields.
  1. 行動様式〔心理学で〕a behavioral pattern
  1. 行動力energy; vitality
    • 行動力がある[ない]
    • be [be not] energetic
    • 行動力のある人
    • a doer
  1. 1〔地下道〕a subterranean passage; a tunnel
  1. 2〔鉱山の横坑〕a gallery;〔縦坑〕a shaft; a pit
    • 坑道を掘る
    • mine
  1. the ecliptic
  1. 黄道吉日「a lucky [《文》 an auspicious] day
  1. 黄道光the zodiacal light
  1. 黄道帯the zodiac
  1. a (lecture) hall, an auditorium;〔学校の〕an auditorium,《英》 an assembly hall

