1. a historical poem;〔叙事詩〕an epic
  1. the limbs; the arms and legs
    • 彼はベッドに寝転んで疲れた四肢を伸ばした
    • Exhausted, he stretched out on the bed./He tumbled onto the bed and stretched out his tired limbs.
  1. a dead body; a corpse ⇒したい(死体)
    • 死屍累々
    • heaps [piles] of corpses
  1. a man of noble ideals
    • 愛国の志士
    • a patriot
    • 勤王の志士
    • a loyalist/a royalist/a loyal supporter of the Emperor
  1. 〔男〕an heir;〔女〕an heiress
  1. ライオン
  1. 獅子身中の虫a snake in one's bosom
  1. 獅子頭a lion mask; a mask for a lion dance
  1. 獅子座〔星座〕the Lion; Leo
  1. 獅子吼a (lion's) roar;〔大演説〕「a thunderous [an impassioned] speech; a harangue [hərǽŋ]
  2. 獅子吼獅子吼する thunder;〔大演説をする〕make an impassioned speech
  1. 獅子鼻a pug nose
  2. 獅子鼻獅子鼻の pug-nosed
  1. 獅子奮迅1〔凄じい勢い〕
    • 彼は獅子奮迅の勢いで敵を攻撃した
    • He attacked the enemy ferociously.
  2. 獅子奮迅2〔勢いよく働く様子〕
    • 彼は獅子奮迅の働きをした
    • He worked like 「a man possessed [《口》 mad].
    • 国際舞台で獅子奮迅の活躍をした
    • He played an extremely active international role.
  1. 獅子舞いa lion dance

