1. the first publication ((of a book))
  1. one's impressions [thoughts]
    • 所感を申し述べる[求める]
    • 「give one's [ask for a person's] impressions ((of))
    • ご計画について一言所感を述べさせていただきたい
    • I'd like to say a few words about your plans.
    • 私はその結末について所感を述べる立場にはなかった
    • It was not for me to comment on the outcome.
  1. (a) jurisdiction ⇒かんかつ(管轄)
    • 所管の事項
    • matters within one's jurisdiction
  1. 1〔手紙〕a letter;《文》 an epistle;〔短信〕a note;〔総称〕correspondence
  1. 2〔外交文書〕a note
  1. 書簡集collected [a collection of] letters
  1. 書簡箋びんせん(便箋)
  1. 書簡体((write in)) an epistolary style

