1. an early stage

    早期の[に] early

  1. 早期警戒機early-warning aircraft
    • 早期診断を受ける
    • consult a doctor at an early stage of an illness/have one's illness diagnosed early (on)
  1. 早期退職者an early retiree
    • 会社が早期退職者を募っている
    • The company is recruiting employees who would be willing to take early retirement.
  1. 早期退職者優遇制度an early-retirement incentive plan
    • 早期治療を受ける
    • get early treatment/be treated by a doctor at an early stage of an illness
    • がんの治療には早期発見が大事だ
    • Early detection [discovery] is of vital importance for the successful treatment of cancer.

    送気する supply ((a place)) with air

  1. 送気管an airpipe

    想起する remember; recollect

    • それは子供時代を想起させる
    • It reminds me of my childhood.
  1. 1〔全体についての大要〕a general outline
  1. 2〔図書の分類で〕general works

