1. a person in his [her] prime
    • その老人は壮者をしのぐ勢いで働いていた
    • The old man was working as energetically as 「anyone else [any of the young men].
  1. a runner
    • 第一走者
    • 〔リレーの〕the first runner
    • 最終走者
    • an anchor
    • 短距離走者
    • a sprinter
    • 一塁走者
    • 〔野球の〕a first-base runner
    • 一塁に走者を出す
    • get [have/put] a runner on first (base)
    • ドラゴンズは四球とシングルヒットで走者を二人出した
    • The Dragons put two runners on with a walk and a single.
    • ホームランが出て走者を一掃した
    • A homer 「cleared the bases [scored all the runners].
  1. a performer, a musician; a ((flute)) player
  1. machine-gun [automatic weapons] fire
    • 彼らは一斉に機銃掃射を浴びた
    • They were all machine-gunned [strafed].(▼strafedは空から)
  1. marshaling;《英》 marshalling

    操車する marshal ((a train))

  1. 操車係a (train) dispatcher;《英》 yardman
  1. 操車場a classification yard; a marshaling yard;《米》 a switchyard

