1. a sign ((of; that));〔病気の〕a symptom ((of))
    • インフレが悪化する兆候が見える
    • There are signs that inflation is worsening.
    • 彼には譲歩しそうな兆候は見られない
    • He shows no sign(s) [indication] of yielding./There are no indications that he will yield.
    • あの雲は雷雨の兆候である
    • The clouds threaten a thunderstorm.
    • その患者はジフテリアの兆候を示している
    • The patient shows [has] the symptoms of diphtheria.

    長考する think about ((a matter)) for a long time; ponder

    • 長考一番,やっと彼は結論を出した
    • After thinking it over for a long time, he finally arrived at a decision.
  1. 〔朝廷への貢物〕(a) tribute paid to the court

    朝貢する pay tribute to ((the Emperor))

    • 天皇に絹を朝貢した
    • Silk was presented to the Emperor as tribute.
  1. 朝貢国a tributary (state)
  1. the blending of perfumes
  1. 調香師a perfumer

    聴講する 〔受講〕attend ((a lecture));〔聴講生が〕audit

    • 聴講無料
    • 〔掲示〕Admission [Attendance] Free
    • 聴講随意
    • 〔掲示〕Admission [Open] to All
    • 二,三のセミナーを聴講してみる
    • sit in on [《米》 audit] a few seminars
  1. 聴講者an auditor;〔総称〕the audience
    • 聴講者が多かった[少なかった]
    • We had a large [small] audience.
  1. 聴講生《米》 an auditor(▼単位を取らない),a special student(▼単位を取る);《英》 an occasional [unregistered] student
  1. 聴講料an attendance fee/《米》 a fee for auditing a class
  1. (中国) 〔川〕the Changjiang (((w) Ch'ang-chiang)) ⇒揚子江

