1. 1〔伝記〕a life; a biography
    • エジソン伝
    • a life [biography] of Edison
    • 偉人伝
    • lives of the great
  1. 2〔経書などの注釈〕a commentary ((on))
    • 古事記伝
    • a commentary on the Kojiki
  1. 3〔方法〕a way;〔手管〕an old trick [game]
    • この伝でやれ
    • Do it this way.
    • いつもの伝でだまそうとしても無駄だ
    • It's no good trying the same old trick on me.
  1. 4〔言い伝えによれば〕
    • 伝弘法大師筆の書
    • a piece of calligraphy attributed to Kobo Daishi
  1. 〔大きな建物〕
    • 神楽殿
    • a hall for kagura [Shinto] music and dances
    • 彼はでんと構えて動こうともしなかった
    • He had 「planted himself in the chair [《口》 plunked himself down very firmly] and showed no sign of moving.
    • 部屋には大きな机がでんと置いてあった
    • A big desk was placed ostentatiously [conspicuously] in the room.

