〔いっしょに〕all together;〔一体となって〕all in one body;〔同時に〕at once, simultaneously;〔異口同音に〕in unison, with one voice, unanimously

    • 彼らは一斉に笑った
    • They laughed all together.
    • 選挙の開票は全国一斉に行われる
    • Ballot counting will begin simultaneously [at the same time] throughout the country.
    • ベルが鳴ると皆一斉に立ち上った
    • The moment the bell rang, they all stood up at once.
    • 人々は何か叫びながらこちらへ向かって一斉に走って来た
    • The people ran toward(s) us in a body shouting something.
    • 一斉に「ノー」と叫んだ
    • They shouted “No!” 「with one voice [in chorus].

