1. 1〔増す〕increase
    • ほめられて彼女のほおに赤みが加わった
    • She blushed when she was praised.
    • 今回の選挙で与党には更に15議席が加わった
    • The Government party gained fifteen seats in the last election./The party in power increased its number of seats by fifteen in the last election.
    • 夕方になって風速が加わった
    • The wind 「gained (in) velocity [rose] towards evening.
    • 日増しに暑さが加わった
    • It got warmer [hotter] every day.
    • 第1戦に勝ってチームに活気が加わった
    • Winning the first game 「bolstered the team's spirits [gave the team a lift].
  1. 2〔付加される〕
    • 娘の結婚に息子の昇進が加わって両親は二重の喜びに包まれた
    • Their son's promotion, coming on top of their daughter's wedding, brought the parents double [twofold] joy.
    • 彼女は年とともに柔軟さが加わった
    • She became more flexible with the years./With the years she gained in flexibility.
  1. 3〔仲間入りする〕join ((in))
    • 討論に加わる
    • join (in) [take part in] a discussion
    • あの仲間には加わってはいけない
    • Don't mix with them./Stay out of their circle./Keep away from them.
    • セミナーに加わる
    • participate in a seminar
    • 田中氏が味方に加わったのはたいへんありがたい
    • Mr. Tanaka is a welcome addition to our side.

