1. 1〔近付く〕come near ((to))
    • 彼はそばへ寄って来た
    • He came up to me.
    • 冬が忍び寄ってきた
    • Winter has stolen [crept] up on us.
  1. 2〔端に近付く〕
    • わきへ寄れ
    • Step aside.
    • もう少し右に寄ってください
    • Move a little more to the right.
    • 彼らはわきに寄って警官を通した
    • They made way for the policeman./They stepped to one side to let the policeman pass.
  1. 3〔集まる〕
    • 彼女らが寄ると亭主の悪口を言う
    • Every time they get together, they complain about their husbands.
    • 彼らはストーブの前に寄った
    • They gathered before the stove.
    • 三人寄れば文殊もんじゅの知恵
    • ((諺)) Two heads are better than one.
  1. 4〔訪れる〕
    • 後で[帰りに]君の家に寄るよ
    • I'll 「drop in [stop by] at your house later [on my way home].
    • 私は仙台に寄ってから青森に行く
    • I stop at Sendai on the way to Aomori.
    • 近くにお越しの節はお寄りください
    • When you are in the neighborhood, please callon us [at our house].(▼英語では単なる挨拶でなく本気で言っているととられることに注意)
  1. 5〔重なり増える〕
    • 笑うと顔にしわが寄る
    • His face wrinkles when he laughs.
    • 寄る年波には勝てなくなった
    • His age is beginning to tell on him.
  1. 6〔もたれる〕
    • 手すりに寄って考えごとをしていた
    • He was leaning on [over] the railing, lost in thought.
  1. 7〔相撲で〕push one's opponent (out of the ring) while gripping his belt with both hands
  1. 寄らば大樹の陰If you need shelter, a big tree is better than a little one./If you need protection, find an influential man.
    • 寄ると触るとその事件のことばかり言っている
    • They never get together without talking about the incident.

