- 〔耐え忍ぶこと〕patience, endurance;〔頑張ること〕perseverance;〔自制すること〕self-control
我慢する have patience ((with));put up with; endure; bear; stand(▼bearとstandは否定文で使うことが多い.endureが最も強い程度を表す);tolerate(▼他人の言動を大目に見る)
- 怒りたいのを我慢した
- I controlled my anger.
- お金があまりなかったので昼はかけそばで我慢した
- Since my money was almost gone, I had to make do with a bowl of plain noodles for lunch.
- 今回だけは我慢してやる
- I won't punish you for what you've done just this once.
- ここが我慢のし所だ
- This is where your patience [perseverance] is needed most.
- あんな人には我慢できません
- I cannot stand [put up with] a man like that.
- あの厚かましさは我慢ができない
- I can't tolerate [stand] his impudence.
- 私はついに我慢しきれなくなった
- I could not endure [stand/bear/put up with] it any longer.
- 今夜ぐらい酒を我慢できないのか
- Can't you do without liquor tonight?
- 我慢強く歩き続けた
- I forced myself to go on walking (without complaining).
- 我慢比べan endurance contest