1. 1〔ひま〕(spare) time
    • 席の暖まるいとまがない
    • I'm busy every moment./I don't have any time to sit down and rest./I have to be on the go all the time.
    • 少年暴力の事例は枚挙にいとまがない
    • Instances of juvenile violence are too numerous to mention one by one.
  1. 2〔休暇〕
    • 2週間のいとまを取った
    • I took two 「weeks off [weeks' leave].
  1. 3〔解雇,辞職,離縁〕
    • 彼はいとまを出された
    • He was dismissed [《口》 fired].
    • 妻にいとまを出した
    • I divorced my wife.
  1. 4〔辞去〕
    • いとまを告げる
    • take (one's) leave of a person/say good-bye to a person
    • もうおいとまいたします
    • I must be going now.
    • 永のいとまを告げる
    • pass away
  1. いとまごいleave-taking
  2. いとまごいいとまごいする take one's leave
    • 国に帰りますのでいとまごいに参りました
    • As I am going to return to my hometown, I have come to say good-bye.
  1. 1〔時間,あいだ〕time
    • 手紙を書く暇がない
    • I have no time to write letters.
    • 映画を見て暇をつぶした
    • I watched a movie to kill time.
    • 暇をこしらえる
    • make [find] time ((to do))
    • 十分暇をかける
    • take as much time as one likes
    • お暇は取らせません
    • I won't keep you long./It won't take much of your time.
    • 暇ができたらこれを直してください
    • When you 「can find the time [have a chance], would you correct this, please?
    • 新聞を読んでいる暇に皿を洗ってしまいなさい
    • If you have time to read the newspaper, wash the dishes first.
    • 他の者が遊んでいる暇に彼はせっせと勉強した
    • He studied hard while the others were enjoying themselves.
    • 残念だがもう暇がない
    • I'm sorry, but I have no more time.
  1. 2〔自由に使える時間〕spare [free] time; leisure
    • 暇なときには
    • in one's spare [free] time
    • 父は暇さえあれば本を読んでいる
    • My father spends all his spare time (in) reading.
    • 今日の午後は暇です[暇がない]
    • 「I'll be free [I have no time to spare/I'm not free/I'm busy] this afternoon.
    • 午後は(いつも)暇です
    • I'm free in the afternoons.
    • 彼は暇な人だ
    • He is a man of leisure.
    • 彼女は暇にあかせてセーターを編んだ
    • She 「made use of [used] her leisure to knit a sweater.
  1. 3〔閑散〕
    • 商売が暇だ
    • Business is very slack [dull].
    • 私どもは冬は暇です
    • Winter is an off-season for us./We don't do much business in the winter.
  1. 4〔休み,休暇〕
    • 今日は1日暇をもらった
    • I took a day off today.
    • 1週間の暇をいただきたい
    • Would you please give me a week off?
  1. 5〔雇用・夫婦の関係を断つこと〕
    • お手伝いさんに暇が出た
    • The maid was discharged [dismissed/let go/《口》 fired].
    • 妻に暇を出す
    • divorce one's wife

