1. 1〔願望〕a wish ((for; to do));〔強い願望〕a desire ((for; to do))
    • 望みがかなった
    • His wish was fulfilled [granted].
    • 望みをかなえる
    • grant a person's wish
    • 彼女には金持ちと結婚したいという望みがあった
    • She wanted [《文》 cherished a desire] to marry a rich man.
    • すべて彼の望み通りにいった
    • Everything turned out as he wished [desired].
    • 望みが大きすぎる
    • You are too ambitious./You are aiming too high.
    • お望みのものを何でもお取りください
    • Please take anything you like [wish/want].
    • 肉を食べようと,魚を食べようとお望み次第です
    • You may have meat or fish, as you like.
  1. 2〔期待〕(a) hope ((of; that));〔予期〕expectations
    • 息子に望みをかけていた
    • He placed [pinned] his hopes on his son.
    • 望みに反して叔母は遺産を遠縁の者に残した
    • Contrary to his expectations, his aunt left her property to a distant relative.
    • 逃げられるという望みを最後まで捨ててはいけない
    • Never give up hope that you may be able to escape.
    • 彼らの生存の望みはあまりない
    • There is 「little possibility [not much hope] of their being alive.
    • そのエラーで彼らの勝利は望み薄になった
    • That error dimmed the prospects of their winning.
  1. 3〔人望〕popularity
    • 級友の望みを一身に集めている
    • He is the most popular among his classmates.

