1. 1〔木〕a pine (tree)
    • 赤[黒]松
    • a Japanese red [black] pine
    • えぞ松
    • a silver fir
    • から松
    • a Japanese larch
    • 五葉松
    • a Japanese white pine
    • はい松
    • a creeping pine
    • 松の実
    • a pine nut
  1. 2かどまつ(門松)
    • 松が取れてから伺います
    • I will call on you after the first seven days of the New Year have passed.
  1. 松毬まつかさa pine cone
  1. 松飾り松飾り
  1. 松風1〔松の木に吹く風〕the wind blowing [《文》 soughing] through the pine trees; the wind in the pines
  2. 松風2〔茶がまの湯の煮える音〕the sound of seething water in a teakettle
  1. 松食い虫a (Japanese) pine sawyer
  1. 松材pine(wood)
  1. 松葉a pine needle
  1. 松林a pine grove [forest]
  1. 松原a seashore [field] dotted with pine trees
  1. 松やにresin [rézin];〔松やにからの残留樹脂〕rosin [rάzin|rɔ́z-]

