1. the stomach
  2. い(胃)

    胃の gastric

    • 胃が痛い
    • have a stomachache
    • 胃が丈夫だ[弱い]
    • have good [poor/weak] digestion
    • 胃が悪い
    • have a stomach disorder/have [suffer from] stomach trouble
    • 胃を壊した
    • Something is wrong with my stomach.
    • 胃を洗浄する
    • wash out a person's stomach
    • ゆうべの食事で胃の具合が悪くなった
    • The dinner last night 「upset my stomach [disagreed with me].
    • ここ1週間胃が痛くて食欲がない
    • I have had a stomachache for the past week, and I have no appetite.
    • 芋は胃にもたれる
    • Potatoes sit heavy on the stomach.
  1. 胃アトニーgastric atony
  1. 胃液gastric juice [fluid]
  1. 胃炎gastritis; inflammation of the stomach
  1. 胃潰瘍a gastric [stomach] ulcer
  1. 胃拡張gastric dilatation
  1. 胃下垂gastroptosis
  1. 胃カタルgastric catarrh [kətάːr]
  1. 胃カメラa stomach camera; a gastrocamera
    • 胃カメラを飲む
    • have one's stomach examined with a gastrocamera
  1. 胃癌がんstomach cancer
  1. 胃鏡a gastroscope
  1. 胃薬(a) medicine for 「the stomach [indigestion];・a stomach [digestive] medicine
  1. 胃痙攣けいれんstomach cramps; a gastrospasm
  1. 胃切除gastric resection; gastrectomy
  1. 胃洗浄(a) gastrolavage
    • 胃洗浄をする
    • use a stomach pump on a person
  1. 胃痛胃痛
  1. 胃壁the wall of the stomach

