1. proof ((of; that));evidence ((of, for; that)) ⇒しょうめい(証明)1
    • 確かな証拠を握っている
    • I have certain [positive] proof of it.
    • その陳述が正しいという証拠がありますか
    • Can you produce any evidence 「for your statement [(to prove) that your statement is correct]?
    • 反対の証拠
    • evidence to the contrary
    • 状況証拠
    • circumstantial evidence
    • …を証明するために証拠をあげる
    • give [produce/bring forward] evidence to prove that...
    • 犯人は証拠をすべて隠滅した
    • The criminal destroyed all the evidence.
    • 彼がクロだという十分な証拠をつかんだ
    • We have sufficient evidence to prove that he is guilty.
    • 物的証拠不十分で彼は釈放された
    • For want of material evidence he was released [set free].
    • それこそ彼女の誠実さを証拠立てるものだ
    • 「There is no better evidence [That is a sure sign] of her integrity.
    • 弁護人は彼の盲目を証拠にあげ被告の無実の証明とした
    • The defense counsel cited the defendant's blindness as evidence to prove that he was innocent.
  1. 証拠隠滅destruction of evidence ⇒いんめつ(隠滅)
  1. 証拠固め証拠固めをする 「search for [gather] evidence
  1. 証拠金a deposit; guarantee money
  1. 証拠写真a corroborating photograph
  1. 証拠書類documentary evidence
  1. 証拠調べthe taking of evidence
  1. 証拠資料corroborative data
  1. 証拠品a piece of evidence
  1. 証拠物件evidence; an exhibit
    • 証拠物件を押収する
    • seize [confiscate] evidence

