1. 1〔周辺,近く〕辺りに 〔周辺に〕around;〔近所に〕in the neighborhood [《文》 vicinity](▼neighborhoodは住む人々を意識し,vicinityは単に場所を意味する)
    • 辺りには誰もいなかった
    • There was no one around.
    • 辺り一面に花が咲いていた
    • Flowers were in full bloom all around us.
    • 辺りを見回した
    • I looked around.
    • ここら辺りに
    • around here/in this neighborhood
    • 駅の辺りに
    • near the station
    • 横浜辺りに
    • in the vicinity of Yokohama/in and around Yokohama
    • 彼らは辺り構わず大きな声で話している
    • They are talking in loud voices without a thought for those around them.
  1. 2〔だいたいの時〕around
    • 次の日曜辺りに桜が咲くだろう
    • The cherry blossoms will come out around next Sunday.
  1. 3〔例えば…など〕
    • 明治の作家では漱石辺りが読みたい
    • I want to read Meiji writers 「such as [like] Soseki.
    • そのことなら伊藤氏辺りから出たのだろう
    • That idea may have come from, say, Mr. Ito.
    • あの困難な仕事に1人で取り組む辺り,彼はなかなか野心家である
    • He is certainly full of drive ― for example, tackling that difficult job all by himself.

