criticize [rip] A up one side and down the other
from side to side
1 左右に何度も,横に 2 (空間の)端から端まで
laugh on [out of] the other [wrong] side of one's face [mouth]
let the side down
No side!
on A's side
A(人)の強み[有利]になって,Aに味方して have youth on one's side若さという武器がある Luck [Time] is on our side.運[時]が我々に味方してい...
on the good [bad] side of A
A(人)に気に入られて,Aの機嫌を損ねて keep [stay] on the good [right] side of one's boss上司の覚えをめでたくしておく
on the right [better, sunny] side of A
on the right [wrong] side of the law
on the safe side
大事を取って,危険を冒さず (just) to be on the safe side念のため
on the side
1 〈人が〉通常の仕事以外に,副業で;(妻以外の女性と)内緒で 2 ((米))(別の皿で出される)付け合わせ[添え料理]に;(ドレッシング・ソースをかけずに)横に添えて
on the ... side
((略式))ちょっと…すぎる be a little [a bit] on the small [tight] side(衣服などが)ちょっと小さすぎる[きつい]
on the side of the angels
on the wrong [other, shady] side of A
side by side
1 (人が)横に並んで;協力し合って 2 (異質な人・物同士が)共存して
side of the fence
(議論・対立における)立場(◆a person's,one,the other などを伴う) on the other side of the fence反対の立場[見地]で
split [burst, shake, hold] one's sides (laughing [with laughter])
take [draw] A to one side
the right [wrong, other] side of the tracks
this side of A
1 A(境界線・空間)のこちら側[手前] this side of the river [the room]川の手前[部屋のこちら側] happiness (on) this side of 「t...
to [on] one side
1 (じゃまにならないよう)横に,わきへ;(お金などを使わないよう)よけておいて 2 (問題などが)保留[一時棚上げ]で Putting [Leaving, Setting] that to [o...
two [different, opposite] sides of the same coin