• そんな友でもないよりましだ
    • Even such a friend is better than no friend (at all).
    • もう少しましなことは言えないのか
    • Can't you say anything [something a little] more sensible?
    • 人の物を盗むくらいなら死んだほうがましだ
    • I would rather die than steal another's things.
    • このほうがまだましだね
    • This isn't quite as bad as that./This is less unsatisfactory than that.
  1. 〔増すこと〕increase; extra
    • 5割増し払う[請求する]
    • pay [charge] 50 percent extra
    • 賃金を1割増しではどうですか
    • Will you agree to a 10 percent increase in pay?/How about settling for a raise of 10 percent?

