1. 1〔後に残るもの〕remains ((of))
    • 地面には冬の名残りの雪がうっすらとあった
    • The ground was covered with a thin layer of snow, the last remains [remnant/trace] of winter.
    • 長い石塀べいが昔の名残りをとどめているだけだった
    • A long stone wall was the only vestige of ancient times.
    • この町には戦前の名残りは何もない
    • Nothing remains of the prewar days in this town.
  1. 2〔惜別の気持ち〕the sorrow of parting
    • 名残り惜しいが,もうおいとまします
    • Though I hate to go [leave you], I must say good-bye now.
    • これが最後と思えば名残りは尽きなかった
    • I was heartbroken to think that after this parting I would never see her again.
    • 名残り惜しげに何度も振り返りながら帰っていった
    • She went her way, looking back wistfully again and again.
  1. 3〔別れ〕a farewell
    • 名残りの酒宴
    • a farewell banquet
    • この世の名残りに自叙伝を書いておきたい
    • I'd like to write my autobiography before I die.
  1. 名残りの月1〔残月〕the morning moon
  2. 名残りの月2〔陰暦9月13日の月〕the moon on the thirteenth night of the ninth month of the lunar calendar

