1. I〔ゆすぐ〕rinse;〔汚れを洗い落とす〕wash the dirt ((out of a shirt))
    • 清水ですすぐ
    • rinse a thing (in clear water)
    • 口をすすぐ
    • rinse out one's mouth
  1. II〔恥などを取り除く〕
    • 彼はようやく汚名をすすぐことができた
    • He managed at last to remove [erase] the blot on his name.
  1. rinse
    • 髪を洗ったらよくゆすぎなさい
    • Rinse your hair thoroughly after you wash it./Give your hair a good rinse after washing it.
    • 皿を熱湯でゆすぐ
    • rinse a plate in hot water
    • 何度も口をゆすいだ
    • I 「rinsed (out) [washed out] my mouth several times.
    • 茶殻が残らぬようよく急須をゆすぎなさい
    • Rinse all the tea leaves out of the teapot.

