1. I〔ねらうこと〕(an) aim
    • 的に[タンカーに]ねらいを定める
    • aim at 「a target [a tanker]
    • 銃のねらいを定めて撃った
    • He took aim with his gun and fired.
    • 矢のねらいが大きく[少し]外れた
    • The arrow 「missed its mark by a mile [just barely missed its mark].
    • ねらいたがわず弾丸は標的の中心に命中した
    • He fired and hit the bull's-eye with an unerring aim./The bullet went straight home to its target.
  1. II〔目的〕an aim
    • 両国の親善がこの会合のねらいだ
    • Friendship between the two countries is the aim [object] of this meeting.
    • この寓話のねらいは何ですか
    • What is this allegory aiming [getting] at?
    • このコマーシャルは若い女の子にねらいをつけている
    • This commercial 「is aimed at [targets] young girls.
    • 批評のねらいは実によかった
    • His criticism 「struck home [hit the mark].
    • それこそがねらい所だ
    • That is exactly 「the point [what] I am aiming at.
    • この論文はねらい所がよい
    • The aim of this essay is very good.
  1. 狙い目ねらい(狙い)狙い所

