1. I〔縫い目が解ける〕come unsewn;〔衣服が〕come apart at the seams
    • このスーツは縫い目があちこちほころびた
    • Seams havepopped open [come apart/come undone] here and there in this suit.
    • セーターのそで口がほころびかけた
    • The cuff of my sweater is raveling [unraveling].
  1. II
  1. 1〔つぼみが〕begin to open
    • 桜がほころび始めた
    • The cherry blossoms have begun to bloom [open]./The cherry trees have started blooming.
  1. 2〔顔などが〕smile
    • 孫のかわいいしぐさに彼の顔は思わずほころんだ
    • He could not 「help smiling [repress a smile] at the innocent behavior of his grandchild.

