1. a stake; a post
    • くいを打ち込む
    • drive in a stake [post]
    • 敷地の入口にくいを2本立てた
    • I set up two stakes at the entrance to the lot.
    • 出るくいは打たれる
    • Those who 「distinguish themselves [stand out] are likely to arouse opposition./((諺)) A tall tree catches much wind./The nail that sticks out will get a pounding.
  1. 杭打ちpiling; pile driving
  1. 杭打ち機a pile driver; a piling gin
  1. 〔悔悟〕repentance;〔残念〕regret ⇒こうかい(後悔)
    • 悔いが残らないようにがんばれ
    • Do your best so that you won't regret it afterwards.
    • 彼の判断の誤りは悔いを千載に残すことになろう
    • He will regret his misjudgment very deeply for many years to come.
    • 悔いのない人生を送った
    • He had few regrets about his life./There was nothing he would have changed about his life.
    • 今日は魚の食いがいい[悪い]
    • The fish 「are really biting [won't bite] today.

