1. a notice

    告示する notify

    • その規約についての告示が新聞に出ている
    • There is a notice of the regulations in the paper.
    • 図書館は来週中閉館と告示された
    • It has been announced that the library will be closed next week.
  1. 告示板a bulletin [notice] board
  1. a farewell address
    • 卒業式の告辞
    • 《米》 a commencement address/《英》 a graduation address(▼大学の)/《英》 a speech at the final assembly(▼大学以下の)
  1. 1〔ある国の〕a country's (official) system of writing
  1. 2〔仮名文字〕the Japanese phonetic alphabet; kana
  1. 3〔日本で作った文字〕ideographs which originated in Japan (not China)
  1. 国字問題issues associated with Japanese orthography
  1. matters [affairs] of state; national affairs
  1. 国事行為the emperor's constitutional functions
  1. 国事犯((commit)) a political offense, (a) political crime;〔人〕a political offender
  1. the seal of state; the great seal
  1. 国璽尚書〔英国の〕the Lord Privy Seal
  1. a close resemblance ((to, between));a strong likeness
    • この花瓶は私のと酷似している
    • This vase looks almost exactly like mine.
    • 彼は父親に酷似している
    • There is 「a close resemblance [a strong likeness] between him and his father.

