1. 〔重い落下音〕thud, plunk(▼擬音語)
    • 郵便受けにどさっと年賀状が投げ込まれた
    • A big bunch of New Year's cards was dumped into our mailbox.
    • どさっと地面に荷を下ろす
    • dump one's load on the ground
    • 屋根の雪がどさっと軒下に落ちた
    • The snow slid off the roof and fell to the ground with a thud.
    • 古木は台風でどさっと倒れた
    • The old tree crashed to the ground during the typhoon.
    • 重い米袋をどさっと置いた
    • He plunked the heavy rice bag down with a thud.
  1. 1〔重くにぶい衝撃音〕thud
  1. 2〔重い足音,落下音,衝突音〕clump
  1. 3〔重い感じで落ちる音〕plunk; plonk; plop; plump

