1. the whole country
    • 日本全国に
    • all over [throughout] Japan
    • 全国から
    • from all over the country
    • 彼らは全国的な規模で環境保護運動に乗り出した
    • They started a nationwide campaign for the protection of the environment.
    • 天気は全国的に下り坂だ
    • The weather is growing [changing for the] worse all over the country.
    • 天候不順のため全国各地の稲作に被害がでた
    • The unseasonable weather did damage to the rice crop in all parts of Japan.
  1. 全国区〔選挙の〕the national [nationwide] constituency; the Japan-at-large constituency
  1. 全国紙a newspaper with a national circulation; a national (news)paper
    • 民主党全国大会
    • the National Convention of the Democratic Party
    • 全国教育者大会
    • a national conference of educators
    • 全国競技大会
    • a national athletic meet
  1. 全国中継〔放送の〕a nationwide relay; a nationwide hookup; a national hookup
  1. 全国手配((issue)) an all-points bulletin ((略 APB))
  1. 全国ブランドa national brand
  1. 全国平均the national average
  1. 全国放送a nationwide broadcast
  1. 全国本部national headquarters ((of))

