1. 1〔決定事項などの通告〕(a) pronouncement;〔特に,判決の〕a sentence

    宣告する pronounce;〔判決を〕sentence ((a person to death)),pass sentence ((on a person)),《文》 adjudge(▼法律用語としても使われる)

    • 死刑を宣告された
    • He was sentenced to death./《文》 They pronounced a sentence of death on him.
    • 被告の有罪を宣告する
    • adjudge a defendant (to be) guilty ((of))
    • 人に殺人罪を宣告する
    • find a person guilty of murder
    • 彼は有罪[無罪]の宣告を受けた
    • He 「was convicted [was acquitted] of the charge.
    • 医者はその老人にもう2か月の命だと宣告するのをためらった
    • The doctor hesitated to tell the old man that he had only two months to live.
  1. 2〔競技における審判の判定〕a call
    • 審判は彼をアウトと宣告した
    • The umpire called him out.
  1. 宣告書a written sentence

