1. 1〔天体〕a star

    星の stellar; starry

    • 星の光
    • starlight/stellar light
    • 星のある[ない]夜
    • a starry [starless] night
    • 空には星が瞬いていた
    • Stars were twinkling in the sky.
    • 星をまき散らしたような空
    • a star-spangled sky
    • 星が流れた
    • A star [meteor] shot across the sky.(▼meteor [míːtiər]は流星)
    • 星が輝く寒い夜
    • a cold night with glittering stars
    • 彼くらいの歌手なら星の数ほどいる
    • There are as many singers at his level as there are stars in the sky.
  1. 2〔斑点〕a spot
    • 古い鏡にあちこち星が入っている
    • The old mirror is specked [flecked] here and there.
    • 彼は目に星ができている
    • He has a white speck in his eye.
  1. 3〔目印〕a mark;〔星印〕an asterisk [ǽstərìsk]
    • 星がついている単語
    • a word (marked) with an asterisk/an asterisked word
  1. 4〔運勢〕one's star [fortune]
    • 彼はいい[不幸な]星の下に生れた
    • He was born under 「a lucky [an unlucky] star.
    • 彼女は易者に星を見てもらった
    • She consulted a fortuneteller.
  1. 5〔勝負の成績〕one's [a team's] won-lost record
    • 大分星を稼いだね
    • You've scored [《米口》 racked up] a lot of wins.
    • その大関は惜しいところで星を落とした
    • The ozeki lost a close bout [match].
    • 今場所は星が悪い
    • He has had a poor record in this tournament.
  1. 6〔的の中心〕the bull's-eye
  1. 7〔犯人〕the culprit
    • 星を挙げる
    • get one's man/catch [arrest] a wanted man
    • 星が割れた
    • We've found out who did it.
  1. 星を頂くwork 「very hard [from morning till night]
  1. 星を指すhit the mark; be exactly right
    • 政界の大物が星を列ねていた
    • There was an array of big names from political circles in attendance.
  1. 星明かり,星占い,星影星明かり星占い星影
  1. 星くずstardust; a multitude of stars
  1. 星空((under)) a starlit sky
    • 降るような星空だ
    • The sky is filled with stars.
  1. 星月夜星月夜
  1. 星取り表星取り表

