1. 1〔その上〕moreover; furthermore
    • さらに友人に感謝していると言った
    • He added that he was grateful to his friends.
    • さらに悪いことには彼は年齢をごまかしていた
    • And what was even worse, [What made it even worse was that] he had given a false age.
  1. 2〔なおいっそう〕still more
    • さらに多くの人を雇わねばならない
    • We must [We'll have to] hire still more people.
    • さらに検討する必要がある
    • We need to study the matter further./The matter needs further study.
  1. 3〔少しも〕 ((not)) in the least ⇒さらさら(更更)
    • それを信じようという気はさらになかった
    • I was not in the least inclined to believe it.
    • 反省の色がさらにない
    • He does not show any sign of remorse.

