1. I〔密着する〕stick ((to));〔くっつき合う〕be [stick] close together
    • 靴の底にチューインガムがくっついた
    • Chewing gum got stuck to the sole of my shoe.
    • 静電気でスカートが脚にくっつく
    • Static electricity makes this skirt cling to my legs.
    • 2枚の板は接着剤でぴたりとくっついていた
    • The two boards were glued tightly together.
    • この糊はよくくっつかない
    • This glue doesn't stick well.
  1. II
  1. 1〔そばにいる〕
    • 母にくっついて買物に行った
    • I 「followed my mother around [stuck to my mother] as she did the shopping.
    • そうくっついて歩くな
    • Don't walk so close to me!
  1. 2〔男女が付き合う〕go out ((with a person));〔同棲する〕cohabit;〔結婚する〕get married
    • 彼女はいつのまにか彼とくっついていた
    • Before we knew it, she wasgoing out with [married to/living with] him.

