1. a [an empty] compliment; flattery
    • 人にお世辞を言う
    • flatter [compliment] a person ((on, about))/pay a compliment to a person
    • お世辞たらたら
    • flattering a person in an insincere manner;《英口》 smarmy
    • ジェーンに声がきれいだねとお世辞を言った
    • He tried to flatter Jane by saying that she had a lovely voice.
    • お世辞でしょうが嬉しい
    • I know you are only flattering me, but I'm glad.
    • お世辞抜きで言えば
    • frankly speaking/to be plain with you
    • お世辞ばかり言う人
    • an unctuous person
    • お世辞のない人
    • a blunt person
    • 心にもないお世辞を言う
    • offer a person an insincere compliment
    • 君はお世辞がうまいね
    • You are so diplomatic [good at compliments]./You know how to please people.
    • お世辞でしょう
    • You are just saying so to be nice [kind].
    • お世辞にもうまいとはいえない
    • 「Even to be courteous [With the best will in the world], I can't say he's good at it.
  1. 御世辞笑いan ingratiating smile

