the letter of the law
(the) light dawns (on A)
the light of a A's life [eyes]
the lights are on but nobody's home
the likes of A
the lion's den
the lion's share
((英))(…の)不当に大きい分け前,大半≪of≫take [keep] the lion's shareうまい汁を吸う
the little engine that could
the little [small] matter of A
the long and (the) short of it
the lowest of the low
the luck of the draw
the main thing
the man in the moon
1 人(の顔)のように見える月面の模様2 (おとぎ話などで)月に住んでいる人物(◆現実との乖離を暗示)3 (選挙な...
(the) man of the match
the man of the moment [the hour]
(the) Man of the Year
the man on the Clapham omnibus
the Midas touch
the milk in the coconut
the milk of human kindness
((形式))心の優しさ(◆Shakespeare より)
the minute (that) ...
the mixture as before
the [a] moment of truth
the more ..., the more [the less] ...
…すればするほど(ますます)…する[しなくなる]The more she talks, the less he l...
(the) more fool A
the morning after the night before
the mote in another's eye
the movers and shakers
The murder is out.
the nature of the beast
(the) next A but one [two]
1つ[2つ]おいて次のAthe next room but two2つおいて次の部屋
(the) next thing A knows
the next to last A
最後から2番目のAon the next to last page最後から2ページ目に
The noose is hanging.
the (old) army game
the old leaven
the oldest trick in the book
the only game in town
The only good A is a dead A.
いいA(人)は死んだAだけだ,AにかかわっていいことはないThe only good hooligan is a ...
The opera isn't over till the fat lady sings.
the order of the day
1 (会議などの)予定,議事日程2 (ある状況に)ふさわしいこと;時代の風潮,はやり
the other day [night, evening, afternoon]
the other half
1 残り半分2 ほかの人(たち);(貧困者から見た)金持ち,(金持ちから見た)貧困者see how the oth...
the other place
((英・戯))(Cambridge 大学で)Oxford 大学;(Oxford 大学で)Cambridge 大学
the other way
1 逆に,反対に2 横の方へlook the other way視線をそらす
the other [right, wrong] way around [up]
(状況が)逆で;あべこべに,逆にto put it the other way around逆に言うと
the pants off A
((略式))Aを徹底的に[仮借なく,ひどく]…するbeat the pants off him彼を仮借なくなぐるb...
The penny (has) dropped.
the Petition and Advice
《英史》(1657年 Cromwell に提出した)議会の請願書