forgive and forget
forgive me, but ...
fork out [up]
fork over
(他)1 =fork out 他2 〈金・物を〉(…に)差し出す≪to≫Fork it over to me.それをよこせ
form an idea of A
Fortune's wheel
(運命の女神が回して人生の有為転変をもたらす)運命の輪;運命,栄枯盛衰be at the top [bottom] of Fortune's wheel幸運の絶頂[不運のどん底]にある
forty to the dozen
in [for, on, to] one's own behoof
(just) for once
((略式))1度くらいは,今度だけはWill you just for once in your life admit that you are wrong?人生で1度くらいは間違っていることを...
(just) for the hell of it